Friday, November 16, 2007

Luis Carlos Galan

Zorayda Camargo Leal
ESL Integrated 098
Narrative Writing Assignment 1, Second Draft

Luis Carlos Galan, was a Colombian journalist and liberal politician, he ran for the presidency for two opportunities, His honorable career started since his childhood Galan studied middle school in The Colegio Americano, while he was studying he attended a protest against the dictorial regimen and intented to support the liberal parties. After, he started his studies of law and economy in the Ponfificia Universidad Javeriana, one of the most important universities in Bogota, during his studies he founded the Vertice magazine, a university magazine which he expressed his political tendencies that helped him to become his first experience with journalism. In 1965 after his graduation, he started working for Colombian newspaper El tiempo, which Galan turned himself into a well know journalist and columnist. He was also active with Nueva Frontera weekly magazine which Galan wrote no less than 150 editorial articles, which he denounced the existence of clientlist politics, corruption that affected the Colombian future. Therefore He was becoming popular for his open criticism against violence and mafias. Meanwhile the Colombian people, who were not agree with his denounces and his increased power tried to kill him, after he received several death threats, on August 18, 1989 Galan was shot to death by hit man hired by the drugs cartel in the town in Soacha Cundinamarca. Colombia has been influenced by many politics but Luis Carlos Galan was a representative and important politician in Colombian history.

1 comment:

Tadeo Lara said...

Hello Zoraida!
It is very good you present in this blog a Honorable person like Mr. Galan. What legacy -teaching or hope- he left for the new generation of Colombian citizens? It is possible you can tell as a litle more about "Pontificia Universidad Javeriana" ?